

Friday, April 28, 2017


Had another fun day at garage sales with Mom and Vikki.   It was very windy today.  We didn't find as many good deals today but still had a great time.  I did find a really nice puppy pen for that we will use with our new puppy.  Had a yummy packed lunch at Lehman's again (thanks Mom!).    Mom found a table and reclining chairs for her deck and we got set it up when we got to Mom's.  Mom had to leave for a fish dinner at Sportszone.  Vikki and I headed to Aunt Debbie's house to pick up her dog that is going to be staying with Vikki for a few days.  We stopped at Tim Horton's for coffee on the way.  Then we picked up Lenny and headed to the dog park.  Got home and the boys had fun playing in the dog pen.  I also found them a few nerf toys that they had fun with.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Jared looks worn out! What did the boys do to him!