

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Today we are celebrating Eli turning 7 with Nana and Papa!

I have to wear glasses for two weeks because I had an allergic reaction in my left eye.  Bummer

The boys got my camera. Cute Mocha

Silly boys and their Nana

Eli love his new nerf gun with glowstrike (charges glow in the dark darts).  

The boys took several slow motion videos of the gun shooting the glow darts.  

Ready for pictures

Watching Daddy play Indiana Jones on the Wii

Around 10:30 this evening we went to check on Della and she had just lambed.  We put them in a stall and the lamb was quickly trying to stand.  It's a girl weighing 14 lbs 9 oz.  Della was a little nervous to let her nurse at first so we tubed her with some colostrum.  Soon Della was letting her nurse and they are both doing great!  We went inside to sleep for a few hours before checking on them again.

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