

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Last night we thought Ewe #16 was going to lamb so we checked on her during the night.  This afternoon Jared and I went to Kyle Krause's (a close family friend) wedding. Kyle's sister was in our wedding.  Jacob took care of his brothers this evening and they all did great!  During the wedding we got several phone calls from home.  I was so worried a sheep was lambing so I finally answered quietly.  Adam said, "Can we have something to eat?"  We called the boys when the wedding was done.  While waiting for the reception we went to my parents house.  Jacob made sure to check on the sheep every hour and kept us posted on how they were doing.  We got home around 8:30. The boys had the house cleaned up by the time we got home.

#47 and her triplets

The weather was so nice today!

 Kathy and Kyle

 Brittany and her husband Nolan

Kyle and his wife Ellen

Kathy and Tim Krause with Mom and Dad

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