

Thursday, February 22, 2024


 Today I worked on this blog.  Trying to catch up from being way behind!  Also made some salt pigs on the wheel.  The boys helped me move a round bale.  It was a beautiful day today.  Adam went on a bike ride.  He and Hope meet at the little store nearby. The store has been around for about 20 year but is closing this year.   Adam got back around 6pm.  Hope picked him up in her truck around 6:30 and they went to the jazz concert at the Midland center for the arts.  Adam wore jeans and his glasses!  He is asking for some jeans now.  He sure had a great time and enjoyed the concert.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Adam looks cool in his glasses! Round bales make me nervous. Love those boys!