

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Jacob sent me this sweet picture.  Who's he buying flowers for?
This is Abi.  She is who Jacob is buying flowers for!  He also took her out to eat at Chick-fil-A

My card from Jared and the boys
Happy Birthday Jared!

 We woke up around 5:30 am.  I got out of bed at 6:00.  Jared had the coffee made.  We woke the boys early.  Jared was excited to open his birthday present!  He did know most of the gifts he was getting this year.  He was begging to opening his Farming simulator computer game early.  Haha.  I didn't let him.   Besides that he got a new pellet gun, scope, pellets, all the season's of A-team, and some m&m's.  We packed up several pottery orders this morning. Jared took Adam to school and then had to go to work for a little while.  When I got home I made Jared's heart cake.  Jared came home and used his new pellet gun.  He had fun shooting the target on the tree in our woods.  Jacob sent me some pictures of some flowers and had some questions.  He is giving them to a girl!  Lucky girl!  Jacob said she's pretty great!  He said she loves God and is super fun and cute! She is part of the little bible study he goes to.  He sent me some pictures of her. Her name is Abi.  I can't wait to meet her!  Jared had fun playing his new Farming Simulator game.  We also got the boys Farming simulator for Valentines.  They had a lot of fun playing that this evening.  Jared and I took a walk in the woods.  A woodpecker has made some large holes in our dead aspen tree.  I went to town to get pizza and breadsticks from Good Times pizza.  We watched an A-team while we ate.  Later we lit a bunch of candles that were on top of Jared's heart cake, 51 of them!  That was alot of heat!  Jacob said Abi liked her flowers a lot and that he had an amazing day!  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Happy Fire Prevention Day, I mean Happy Birthday to Jared. Wow, were your smoke detectors going off with all of that smoke. His face looked like it was sweating ha ha. Great guy you got there! We love him!
Your table looked just beautiful Kimmy. You always make everything so much fun and memorable. Such a cute picture of Jacob with the flowers he got for Abi. Cute picture of her too. Love you!