

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 Jared had to leave at 4:30 am for work in Kendalville IN.  I woke the boys up around 7:00 and made scrambled eggs for breakfast.  We dropped Eli and Jacob off at school and then headed to Saginaw.  We went to Vikki's house.  She made coffee and we sat in her screen room.  We had a nice visit.  She had to leave for work and we headed to Adam's 10:00 dr appointment.  It was just a follow up appointment for Adam's concussion.  He has to be seen every 2 weeks until he sees the neurologist.  Adam failed his PE class so they are going to call the school and see what they can do.  I dropped Adam off at school and he got back before lunch was over.  I went shopping and stayed in town until I had to pick up Adam.  I picked up donuts for the boys.  At home I worked on cleaning the kitchen.  The stove’s window was so dirty you couldn't see through it.  I cleaned it but it wasn't easy to get clean.  Eli helped me make some brownies.  He showed me the music he picked out for youth group next week.  He is playing the music that week.  He picked some great songs.  Took Jacob to his practice with the Midland concert band.  Jared got home around 8pm.  We played some bedwars.  

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