

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Playing skipbo with Nana and Papa


I finished adding handles to some large mugs.  Jacob drove to school and then I headed to the bank to get the van title signed off on.  I stayed in town because I only had about an hour before I had to pick Adam up from school.  I went to Salvation Army and Habitat for humanity.  Didn't find anything I couldn't live without.  At home I did some packing.  When Jared got home we headed to Nana and Papa's house.  Stopped to pick up a pizza and bread sticks for the boys.  Nana sent us off with yummy chicken noodle casserole.  The boys are spending the night at Nana and Papa's house.  We are heading to Indiana!  We got there just after 10 pm.  Grandma had the sleeper sofa all ready for us.  Wyatt sure was happy to be there. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Those boys beat Papa and i again at Skip Bo....I don't remember how many times this is, but lots. I almost didn't even get to play a card off my pile. Luckily, I ended up playing 3 cards. They beat us bad. It's almost like they stack the deck when we are out of the room lol.