

Sunday, December 29, 2019


I was dealt an amazing A's hand!




Got down to mom and dad’s in Carmel Thursday afternoon… said hi and then got to work cutting down the old crab apple tree in the front yard.  Lots of dead wood.  We needed a little can of paint for the wall behind where the floating shelves would hang in the kitchen so we did a late night road trip to lowes…. we found an old paint swatch and they were able to match it.  Then Friday morning Kimmy and I hung the floating shelves and decorated them with pottery.  Andrew Noah Eric and Kat came over Friday and the boys played played played.  Kimmy and I started painting Mom and Dad’s bedroom.  Painted the ceiling white and the walls a green color and then we cut up the carpet and got that out of there.  Low and behold after 40+ yrs the carpet pad sort of brakes down a bit.  The hard wood floors under the carpet had a hard rubbery substance stuck to it.  we had to soak it and scrape it off by hand.  I went with mom to ace hardware to pick up some scraping tools.  Mom is on a first name basis with the Ace Helpful hardware man.  So we scraped and scraped… the hard rubbery substance stained the wood so we’ll need to sand it out on another trip down.  We painted the trim in the room, got a carpet for the hard wood floor.  Painted a little night stand and put the room back together.  We opened Christmas Presents with all the family.  Had some good laughs and the boys played played played.  Mom took all the boys to the park a few times.  Sounds like they had an awesome time.  So we then and moved on to the next job.  Bedroom looks great.  good for another 40 yrs.  Next was cleaning carpets.  We brought our carpet scrubber and cleaned all the carpets on the first floor and upstairs.  Wore us out.  but we had a blast and laughed a lot.  We played an amazing game of 3-13 Sunday morning which got us a bit of a late start on the carpets..but it was worth it.  Mom’s always talking about creating various rules…so we wrote a ton of them down and picked out one for each round.  Something different each time… man that was fun.  Laughed like crazy.  We headed home late sunday and made it back in good shape through the fog.  A wonderful time had by all.     and Saturday night Andrew and Noah got to spend the night at grandma's.  wow lots of talking long into the night.. However all were up early... could of had something to do with me sanding the table in the kitchen.  he he he.   We refinished the top of mom and dad's kitchen table.  Just some light sanding and new polyurethane.  However - it's difficult for some to remember not to touch the table top with wet polyurethane.  So a few touch ups were needed after the final coat.  Eric won't be mentioned as one of the people to touch the top of the wet table.  Sunday afternoon mom and dad treated us all too Fazoli's.  mmmm in-between carpet cleaning.. a wonderful break. The boys sit at their own table on the other side of the restaurant and had a blast.  


LRussell said...

All...All...All of the pictures are wonderful. They bring back such good memories. And the two Michigan Christmas pictures groups show family times that demonstrate a fun family experience. Fills me with joy!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Great fun pictures, great work pictures, great cousin pictures and great family pictures. Looks like a very fun family time. The bedroom looks amazing. So beautiful. Looks like you all should go into the tree business.
What would we all do without you, Kimmy and those hardworking boys. Nice write up of your trip. I loved reading it. Almost felt like I was there!