

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Eli's minecraft drawings.

Jacob came home today saying he wanted to build a mousetrap car.  His group has had a couple weeks to work on this project but the group was pretty careless about how they put their car together.  It had to go at least 3 meters and their's definitely was not going to make it.  Jacob came up with a plan and he and Jared went to town to get supplies. They were going to get figit spinners for the ball bearings but those are not sold in stores anymore.  We ended up taking ball bearings out from a rollerblade that didn't have a match.
The car didn't go far on the first try and you aren't allowed to push the car at all.   So they decided to moved the mousetrap closer to the axle.  

It worked great and made it to the carpet.  

  They will have to take the class over if it doesn't make 3 meters.  

Goodnight Jacob

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