

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Jared took our boys to school this morning.  Max and Evan played with legos and blocks.  Max said he was building a garden which he thought his Dad would really like.  The boys loved helping me do chores.  We fed the animals and collected eggs.  They really liked feeding the chickens out of their hands.  I finished wrapping most of my Christmas presents.  Truman has been having a lot of accidents lately.  Today he peed across the huge pile of legos!  Nik came over to play after school.  The boys played with legos for awhile and then went outside to play.  The boys had a lot of fun playing with moon sand.   

These boys sure love Norman!

Evan calls this chicken "Crazy hair"

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love these great pictures and you!