

Monday, December 21, 2015


Got to hang out at Mom's today.  Vikki and the kids came over too.  We visited and did some knitting.  I'm working on a Christmas surprise for the boys. Vikki and Mom are working on dishcloths.  Mom made some yummy chicken noodle soup for lunch.  Kenzie and Cole came to wrap presents for Nana.  At around 2:30 Melissa came there with the kids.  Max and Evan are on Christmas break and are coming home to spend a couple days with us. We got home just before the boys got off the bus.  Jacob, Adam and Max played in the water until around dinnertime.  Eli and Evan played with moon sand for a long time.  After dinner the boys played with legos until bedtime.  Evan is sleeping on a cot in the office with Truman.  And Max is on a cot in the boys room.  

The boys love Norman!

Dog pile on Max

Adam made reindeer at school today and wanted to make some at home.  Then the other boys wanted to make one too.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Fun place for kids for sure! Love the fun pictures. You are such a great mom and aunt...and daughter