

Friday, March 21, 2014


Jacob loves reading Calvin and Hobbes

We got this email (below) from Mr Henderson 

Mr. and Mrs. Russell
I just wanted to pass along a little information from this week.  I hope that Jacob made the point of telling you about his reading progress.  He tested at a level M, which is 2 levels higher than at semester, when he was a K.  This means that he made 2 marking periods' progress in the last 9 weeks, despite the snow days.  It also means that he made progress toward grade level by moving more than one level in a marking period.  This is truly cause for celebration, we are closing the gap and it is because of his hard work.  Overall this week was a great one to be Jacob.  He was recognized by my substitute on Thursday by being on silver when I returned.  We are working on mini, fairly informal nonfiction presentations (a summarizing exercise) and Jacob's is looking great and he is excited about it.  I told Jacob today that if I had the opportunity this week, I might have traded places with him.  Outstanding work.

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

I sure am proud of that boy! Keep up the good work Jacob!