

Monday, March 17, 2014


Vikki and Mom came over to visit today.  The small boy lamb has diarrhea so we are giving him electrolytes and expressing milk from his mom.  Around 2pm Vikki went out to the barn to check the ewes, while I was making an apple pie.  She called to say a ewe was lambing.  Ewe #616 soon gave birth to a lamb.  Mom and Vikki got to watch.  I went in the house for a few things and by the time I came out the ewe had her second lamb.  She had and a girl and a boy.  They are doing very well.  One weighs 11lbs 2oz and the other is 11lbs 13oz.  Dad came over this evening and joined us for dinner.

Isaac helping me make a smoothie

Has anyone seen whitie (Adam's white blanket)?

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

I love the picture of Isaac sitting by the ninja haha...hes totally into it!