

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 2 (7-23-17)

He's getting so tall!

Trying on Grandpa's coat

Helping Grandma and Grandpa set up camp

Eli fell asleep in the tent

We woke up with Adam around 6:30am.  Jared made coffee in our new percolator and we shared a sweet roll.  Then Daddy and Adam took a scooter ride to look for wood.  Jacob and Eli slept until around 8:30.  It was really foggy on the lake this morning.  We took a walk around the campground and it started raining.  Jared hurried back to close up the tent and dining fly.  The boys played games in the screen tent.  Then we took another walk and the boys rode their scooters.  Adam found some more wood.  We hauled it back and stacked it under the trailer. It was a rainy day. The boys read books in the tent. After lunch we headed into town to visit Leslie and check out the pottery.  Dennis and Leslie are letting us put our pottery in their shop while we're here!!  After a while Adam and Eli walked over to the school playground.  Jacob helped us unpack our pottery and get the shelves set up.  We got back to camp around 2pm. We walked over to the fort and went through some of the buildings there. Then we went to the Fort store. Eli was looking through all the rocks to find some hematites (his favorite rock). Jacob helped him and they found three.  Daddy surprised the boys with orange push ups.  Grandma and Grandpa were setting up camp when we got back.  We helped them set up their tent and unload some things.  After dinner we took a walk with Grandma and Grandpa around the campground.  Then we all walked over to pebble beach.  Adam went for a swim in the cold water, burr.  Jacob looked for rocks.  We hiked on the trail and saw a deer.  Back at camp we sat by the fire and made s'mores. Jacob used some paracord and clips to make lanyards for his knives.  We got to bed around 10:30. 

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