

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Jared met Bruce at Tim Horton's this morning to get Eli.  He brought home donuts and coffee.

We lost power for over an hour today.  Nik came over to play with the boys in the paddock/water.  Then they went in the house to play with the army men.

Nana and Papa brought Jacob and Hailey here this afternoon.  They had so much fun at the hotel and got to swim in the pool!  They also visited the Indian museum. And Jacob got a cool Indian bracelet.  Hailey gets to stay with us tonight!  Nana took Max home and Adam went there to spend the night.  He was really excited!

We are taking down a couple of our lean-to's in the sheep paddock. We also took down part of a tree.  Hailey was a great helper!

Hailey brought her sewing machine.  She and Jacob had a fun!

Sleep out in the office and watching Sound of Music.

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