

Sunday, March 24, 2024


                                                   Ready to load the kiln for a bisque fire

Jacob sent me a picture of his new shorts.  Abi bought them for him. 

After church we went shopping.  Jared picked up pizza's and pops.  We watched The A-team while eating pizza for lunch.  After lunch we had fun playing bedwars with the boys.  This afternoon we loaded the kiln.  We broke one handle off of a salt pig because the shelf hit it.  Had to take one large bowl back inside because it didn't fit.  Adam wanted to get some driving time.  He drove for a little over an hour.  Jacob is really sore today after going to the trampoline park yesterday.  Eli had a lot of fun playing minecraft with Jack and some friends.  Tonight we watched The A-team and had popcorn, pop and ice cream.  Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  It was a close game and came down to whoever went out in the A's round.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

What a sweet dog Wyatt is. Nice shorts Abi got Jacob. Wow, that sure is a lot of amazing pottery! Bummer a handle broke off.