

Sunday, March 17, 2024


Happy Birthday to my sweet Mom!  She's looking cute in her green and white!  

Cute pendant display Kenzie gave Mom

After taking Eli to school I headed to my parent's house.  Today is my Mom's birthday!  I rode along in the truck with them to Tonys.  Vikki was already there and saved us a seat and soon Melissa was there too.   We had such a fun time together.  After breakfast Vikki had to leave for work.  Melissa headed home and  I went back to my parents.  Mom and I listened to a news podcast. For lunch we had yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  After lunch we drove to Menards and Jacks to get some bird food.  Mom filled her bird feeders. There were alot of cardinals at her feeders.  Mom, Dad and I played a game of 3-13.  I won!  Yay!  Although I'd have been happy if Mom could win on her birthday;).  Vikki came over after work.  We visited until it was time for her to get her kids.  Mom had to go to the bank so I rode with Vikki to get her kids from school.  Jared picked the boys up from school.  We came back to Moms and Peyton asked me for some ice cream.  I got her some and Isaac too.  We stayed until around 6:30.  Jared had dinner ready when I got home.  We played a game of 3-13 after dinner.  I won.  It was a close game but I stuck Jared in the A's round.  Jared called to talk to Grandma.  He asked her if she remembered Jacob calling her today.  She had no clue that he called!  So he looked at his text.  He thought Jacob texted him that he called Grandma but he was reading his own text to Jacob.  Hahaha. 

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