

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Trying to shoot a starling with the pellet gun. 

The pellet gun kicked back and the scope cut Eli's face by his eyebrow.  
Playing 3-13.  Eli won!  He stuck me in the A's round.  

Matching snoopy pajama's

The boys schools were both closed today for a snow day!  Jared said the roads were really slick on the drive into work.   Adam and Eli both slept in this morning.  I spent much of the day trying to catch up on my blog.  Eli and I enjoyed watching the birds. They sure were busy at the feeders. Eli really wanted to shoot a starling but they would fly away at any sound.  Eli and I played a game of 3-13.  He needed to stick me with 4 points in the A's round to win.  Well he stuck me with a lot more than that!  Hope came over this evening.  I made goulash for dinner.  Hope and Adam wore their matching pajama's.  We watched the movie, Monsters vs Aliens. After the movie we taught Hope how to play skipbo.  It was Jared and I vs Hope and Adam.  We won.  Then we played many games of UNO flip.   We watched The A-team and then Jared and Adam took Hope home.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Poor Eli....I know how it feels to get a face injury at your house lol. Cute pjs, and such a fun night at your house for everyone.