

Friday, March 29, 2024


Measuring out the vinegar 
Eli is trying to guess which tablet go in which container. Trying to get the colors right.   
Eli is peeling a broken egg.  Yummy snack!
Jared making the pie

Jacob sent me some pictures.  Abi gave him a couple new bracelets. She has some matching ones.   

Jared went to town this morning for our Sat goodies.  We worked on smoothing the bottom of all the pots.  I then set up an area by the window to take photos and also set up some lights.  I took alot of pottery pictures today.  Jared went outside and worked on cleaning the chicken coop.  Eli watched Dr Quinn.   Adam went with Hope to Dow Gardens and they visited the Butterflies in Bloom exhibit.  He got home around 3:00.  Around 4:30 we headed to Lansing to pick up Jacob.  I brought my computer.  On the drive there and back I worked on uploading pictures to Etsy.  It went much slower than if I was at home.  We stopped for gas and also got frappe's from McDonalds.  Jacob said he went with Abi to the salon this morning.  He waited while she got her nails done.  He said last night they went to the Good Friday service at church and also went to IHOP.  We got home around 8pm.  Got a big hug from Jacob.  The boys colored Easter eggs.  I had forgotten to make the rolls and a pie for tomorrow.  Whoops.  Jared was a huge help to get the pie made and some dough going in the breadmaker.  I continued working on uploading pottery pictures.  Adam went for a drive this evening.  He drove to Hope's house to surprise her with a mug that he had picked out for her.  Hope sent Adam home with an Easter egg. She'd put his name on the egg.  They also stopped at the Dollar store because I needed ziplock bags and parchment paper. Then Jared helped me measure pottery so I could publish it on Etsy.  Jared hid eggs and Easter baskets after the boys were asleep.  We got to bed late tonight. 

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