

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Picking up sticks for Papa
Blaze's tail looks so much better today.  

 We left this morning to go to Nana's house.  Nana and Peyton were playing a game of 3-13.  Nana won.  Then Eli and I played the next game with them.  Eli took score but he didn't win.  Pretty poor scorekeeper who can't win.  That's what my Grandpa said.  Haha.  I won.  Vikki and Isaac came over too.  We visited for awhile and then made pb&j sandwiches for lunch.  The kids helped Papa pick up sticks in the yard and  Papa started a fire.  Mom and I went outside to take a walk around in the yard.  We made it a quick walk since it was cold and windy.  The sun made it look warm out there but it wasn't warm.  Mom had to leave around 3:00.  We went to the Antique store in Freeland.  It's a big store and we walked around for awhile.  We sure had fun looking at everything.  Vikki found some nice pool sticks.  Eli was looking at a vintage cash register that had a couple keys stuck.  The guy thought Eli broke it and said it was worth $5000.  He was upset and actually kicked us out of the store.  I've never been kicked out of anywhere before.  Eli felt bad but he said the keys were like that.  When we were leaving we heard a loud pop and I thought maybe we blown a tire.  Adam got out to check the tires.  I guess we drove over an e-cigarette.  At home Jared and I took a walk around the yard and in the woods.  Then we worked on loading the kiln.  We made pizza's for dinner.  Adam went to Hope's house for dinner.  Her Dad made taco's.  They watched a movie and then worked on a puzzle.  He had a great time.  Adam said her parents like him so much they want to keep him.  Hope's Dad brought him home by 11:00.  Eli helped hold Blaze while we changed the bandage on his tail.  He purred loudly the whole time.  It is healing fast.  

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