

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Jacob's first time voting!
We tied!


Jacob woke up before I left with Eli this morning.   I did some cleaning and worked on laundry. Nana came over around 10:00. Wyatt was super excited to see her. He was singing, shaking, and almost knocked her over once.  It didn’t take him too long to settle down. Mom brought me a new plant start, a Kalanchoe. I made toasted sub sandwiches for lunch. We played 3-13 with Jacob and I won. Nana was in the lead most of the game. We took a walk outside. Visited Bo in the barn and gave him treats. Then took a walk around the yard and in the woods. The weather was so nice today, warm and low 70’s. After school I dropped Adam off at Meridian high school. He’s running the track with Hope and her sister. I worked in the flower beds.  Hope brought Adam home. When Jared got home we left with Jacob to go vote for the presidential primaries. This is Jacob’s first time voting. Yay! He was glad to get to vote.  Adam was leaving on his bike when we got home.  He was meeting Hope at Mills market.  They are closed for good now.  Jared and I played a game of 3-13 this evening and it ended in a tie.  

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