

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Love this picture Jacob sent me of him and Abi

I took Eli to school and then dropped some packages off at the post office.  Did some laundry and cleaning.  Vikki and the kids came over around 11:00.  Vikki brought some yummy subs from Intermission deli.  Peyton and Isaac had no school today.  We had a nice time visiting while we ate our subs.  Then I got out the clay and worked on making handles for my salt pigs.  Vikki made some cute mushrooms and I made one too.  Peyton and Isaac had so much fun making things with the clay.  Isaac shaped his clay into many different faces.  They were cute and funny.  He only made one thing to keep, a little turtle.  Peyton made a bunch of cute little things from the clay.  Vikki also made a turtle.  We picked up Adam from school and dropped him off at home before picking up Eli.  Then we went to the antique store by Eli's school.  We sure had fun walking around in there.  Vikki found a cute glass vase, a lidded jar and some driftwood.  Jared came home from work a little early.  Vikki and the kids headed home.  Then Jared and I left for Lansing.  Jacob is on spring break this week!  His roommate was throwing a party tonight and Jacob didn't want to be there.  Before picking up Jacob we went to Pruess pet to get a bamboo shrimp.  They were closing in 20 min.  It took more than that to get some help.  The shrimp really didn't look that great but we decided to get one because our fish store doesn't sell them.  The man starting roughly trying to catch the shrimp, moving rocks and logs.  The shrimp move really fast.  Then the lights went out on all the tanks.  He went to find a flashlight but they turned the lights back on for him.  They were closing.  He finally caught one and then grabbed it with his hand and threw it in the bag.  We picked up Jacob and got to meet his friends, Abi and Ella.  We went to McDonalds for shakes before heading home.  We watched The A-team and had pizza.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You all made such cute things out of the clay! Cute picture of Jacob and Abi.