

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Eli is wondering what we are making out in the barn that he can't come see. 

 Our power came on around 4am.  Jacob's bedroom light was still on when I went in his room this morning.  Eli said his light came on when the power did too.  Jacob went to McDonald because he wanted a shamrock shake.  I left a little early to get Adam because I had some things to get at the store. Adam went with Hope and her sister swimming at the community center this evening.  He had a great time.  They went to Dairy Queen afterwards.  Jared and Jacob built a knife throwing target out of some scrap wood.  It turned out really nice.  We played a game of 3-13 with the boys.  I felt kinda bad but I won again.  Everybody is happy when I lose!  Haha.  Jared had the high score.  

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