

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Beautiful sunrise

Our Christmas cactus outgrew its pot

Same Christmas cactus several years ago
New starts

I got to my parents house around 9:45.  Mom and I listened to the podcast from the Common's church.  It was a great message as always.  We had a nice visit.  Melissa came over around noon.  We had yummy pot pie for lunch.  Dad asked if we wanted to go for a ride in the motorhome.  It feels weird to ride in the back of the motorhome.  Even thought I was a little nervous it was still a fun ride.  Only got to see Vikki for a couple minutes because I had to leave to pick the boys up from school.  Picked up Adam and then headed to Eli's school.  Waited there for him and then realized that he has jazz band today.  Took Adam home and then came back at 4:00.  We stopped at McDonalds for frappe's.  Eli got a mocha and I got a caramel frappe.  Yummy!  We met Jared at Meijer gas station because I had mperks points to use.  Jared and I both filled up and also filled up a 5 gallon gas can for $1.97/gallon.  Jared and Eli headed home.  I went to the store to get cactus soil and a new pot for our Christmas cactus.  Jared and I repotted it when I got home.  The boys had youth group.  While they were there we walked around Soldan's and Hobby Lobby.  Eli loves to stay after so he can talk to Kurt and Pastor Eric.  Eli took his Isle Royal book to show Kurt.  He found out that Kurt has met the author of the book.  We had a late dinner at home and watched The A-team.  

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