

Thursday, February 15, 2024


I went to my parents house today. Got there around 9:30. We had a nice visit and then listened to a Salt podcast. It was a great message on pride. Adam had a half day today so Papa picked him up at 11:00 and took him to McDonalds. Melissa came over just before noon. We had a nice time together. We warmed up some yummy scalluped potatoes, chicken, and green beans for lunch. Jared picked Jacob up from Lansing because he had a 3:30 orthodonist appointment and also picked Eli up from school.  Jacob took the car to the orthodontist and then went to the barber for a haircut. Adam and Jacob had fun playing a game with Hope. Hope came over around 6:30 to pick up Adam.  They (and another couple friends) went to see the new spiderman movie. We watched a movie that Jacob recommented called Megamind. It was a good movie. We also watched The A-team. Adam sure had a great time with his friends from Meridian tonight. They ate at Culvers after the movie.

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