

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Day 6 (7/24/19)

We were up around 6:30. Grandma came over and Jacob asked if we wanted to play 3-13. Grandpa joined at the high score after we’d played a couple rounds. Jared was the winner. Eli went on a bike ride after breakfast and hurried back to say he’d found a big pile of wood. We followed on our bikes. Then we took our morning walk around the campground. Jacob stayed with Wyatt and we took a bike ride over to the east campground. We brought some wood back with us that we'd found. Stopped at the fort store for pops on our way back.  After lunch we headed to Betty Grise. The water there was really cold and there were no waves so the boys wanted to go to Eagle River. At Eagle River there was a kite surfer riding the waves. The boys had alot of fun playing with the drift wood on the waves. I went for a swim too and it felt nice. I thought the water would be to cold but it wasn't to bad. We got back to camp around 4:00.  I read on the drive back. Back at camp Adam and Daddy took a bike ride into town and surprised us with pops. Eli and I took a walk around the campground. Daddy, Grandma, Jacob, Adam and I played a game of 3-13. Adam won by 4 points. Daddy came in second. Daddy thought he’d won but Adam had added his points wrong. I came in last with 260 points. We had hot dogs for dinner.  I had forgotten to pack the ketsup so Jacob and Adam rode bikes into town to get some. After dinner we took a walk around the campground and then to Pebble beach. We had fun throwing rocks in the water. One would throw a rock in and then we’s see who could get their rock closest to that. Back at camp we took another walk. On the walk Eli was telling us all about what his house is going to be like when he's older.  We sat by the fire and had smore's and hot chocolate.  The boys and I took a walk/scooter ride around the campground. We got to bed around 10:30. 

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