

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Its was warm this morning so we worked with the sheep in the barn.  The boys have set up a little obstacle coarse in there and we have a large mirror they can use to set up their sheep in front of.  Jared, Adam and Eli went to TSC and stopped to order some round bales.  Nik came over while they were gone to say goodbye.  The other boys were sad they missed seeing him.  He brought some nerf disk darts for Adam.  He will be back again next summer.  Adam and I played chess.  After lunch went for a drive.  Drove by the school and looked at the remodel.  Stopped at McDonalds for ice cream.  Back at home we went for a swim to cool down.  Adam and Daddy played chess before dinner.  I went into town to get some groceries for camping and picked up a new sleeping bag for Adam.  Unloaded the camping trailer because Jared is taking it to get weighed tomorrow.  This evening the boys had fun doing sparklers, pop its, and smoke bombs. Wyatt followed a lightning bug. 

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