

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


The boys woke up around 8:30,  I made pancakes for breakfast.  Jacob told Nik, "You should try my Grandma's pancakes, they're the best!"  After breakfast the boys started a game of risk which lasted for 3 hrs.  Nik had to go home for lunch and to pack up some things from his house to take to TX.  Nik came back and they played in the pool.   Then they came inside to play with legos.  After awhile they got out the chess and took turns playing Nik.  They also played risk on their iPads.  Nik had to go home at dinnertime.  We ate dinner on the deck.  After dinner Adam and Eli went swimming.  Jared and I got out the camping trailer and and washed it.  The boys worked with their sheep and then we took a walk in the woods with Jacob.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love all the pictures you posted on your blog