

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Adam and I played a game of 3-13 this morning.  I won with -98  

Eli helped me make chocolate chip cookies this morning.  Then Adam and I played 3-13.  Nik came over after lunch.  We set up the house for a nerf battle.  After a couple hours of that the boys went out to play in the pool.  They played until just before Jared got home from work.  Jared had a meeting so got home a little late.  Jacob and Nik were played in the hallway by the bathroom and Jacob ended up falling into the wall.  He put a huge dent and a hole in the wall.  The boys and Nik played some chess.  Then we had another nerf battle until it was time for Jared to go to the park meeting at 7:00.  The boys went with Jared so they could play at the park.  I stayed home and cleaned up the nerf mess.  I also worked on fixing the wall in the hallway.  Jared had picked up pizza's and breadsticks for dinner.  He also had picked out a couple movies to watch from Family video.  I guess we haven't been there since 2004.  After the movies were over Jared and I went to bed.  I saw flashes of green on the wall by the ceiling and I didn't know what it was.  Jared saw them too so he turned on the light and it was a lightening bug.  The boys had a sleep out in the living room and watched tv until late.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So nice to see the boys and Nick together again. How fun for them and you!