

Monday, July 15, 2019


Jared dropped the van off at the auto shop this morning.  I took a walk in the woods with Wyatt.  After lunch the boys and I took a bike ride and then we went for a swim.  I worked in the garden, hoeing weeds.  It started sprinkling which felt nice and I could hear thunder.  It started raining harder so I went in.  Then it poured.  Our driveway looked like a river.  The van needed the left wheel bearing replace.  They also did an oil change.  The engine light is on which they think may be fixed with a new gas lid (that worked).  The airbag light is on too and they are working to fix that also.  They thought it might be done today but they didn't finish so hopefully tomorrow.  We were going to have a police officer out today to certify our trailer but didn't have the van to hook it up.  We will have to wait on that until tomorrow.  I saw Eli's sheep eating grain a couple time today so we were very happy about that.  After dinner Jared and the boys walked over to get Megan.  She came back with them to go over things on taking care of the animals while we gone.  Then the boys worked with their sheep.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So happy Eli's sheep is eating! Love the pictures of the boys. Great picture of Adam with his new bike.