

Sunday, November 6, 2022


When I got home from taking Eli to school I got a text from Jacob saying he forgot something he needed for his astronomy class and needed it.  I headed there to take it to him. Then I stopped at Home Depot.  Talked to Vikki while I walked around there.  Got some paint for Wli’s room. At home I worked on clearing out Eli's bedroom.  I finished that and then it was time to pick up the boys from school.  I worked on trimming in Eli's room and he did the roller painting.  He was so excited.  Jared stopped to picked up a used fish aquarium and a bunch of fish supplies for only $10. Then he and Adam left to got pick up a used bed for Adam.  Adam really doesn't want to sleep up high anymore.  Eli has really wanted a loft bed and is excited to get Adam's old bed.  We put two coats of paint on Eli's room.  Jared took apart the loft bed and put it back up in Eli's room. Adam emptied his bedroom and cleaned it really good.  The new bed barely fit and we had to take off the trim to fit it.  It has a couple big drawers under the bed so Adam is getting rid of his dresser.  We were very busy until about 11pm.  Then we decided to finish tomorrow. We also cleaned and changed fish tanks.  Jacob found out he's been accepted to CMU!

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Such a huge difference in the room with the grey paint. Love it! Congratulations to Jacob on being accepted into CMU. So Proud of our Jacob.