

Friday, November 11, 2022


We made a knife diplay from some scrap wood

Jared went to town to get our Sat goodies.  This afternoon Jared went out to blow leaves with the leaf blower.  I built a knife shelf for Eli and stained it.  We met Vikki at Mom and Dad's to pick up Eli.  We warmed up leftovers for a late lunch.  The boys had fun playing in the basement.  Mom and Dad were gone taking the 5th wheel to be fixed.  We had fun playing Skipbo.  It was Peyton and Vikki vs Jared and I.  It came down to 1 car but we won.  Mom and Dad came back and we played again with Jared and I vs Mom and Vikki.  We won again.  We left around 5:00 to head home.  I hung Eli's shelf.  Eli and Adam played with legos and then we played bedwars. Jacob had homework.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

The knife shelf looks great! Good job! Nice to see that spinning wheel being used.