

Saturday, November 19, 2022


 Today we celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.  We headed over there around 10:30 and stopped at Tim Horton's on the way.  There was a parade in town so we had to find a way around to get to Tim Hortons.  Melissa, Vikki and their families were there including Kenzie and Hailey.  Chuck and Sue came over and Stacie and her family.  We had snacks and enjoyed visiting.  We ate around 1:00.  The food was all so yummy!  Thank you Mom!!  We taught Max how to play a game of Skipbo.  It was him and Jared vs Vikki and I.  They won.  Jared went to Costco for dog food and Max went with him.  Then Vikki and Melissa playedskibo  vs Jack and Eli.  Mom, Dad, Chuck and Sue played Euchre.  We had yummy pies for desert.  Then Vikki, Mom and I teamed with our husbands in another fun game of skipbo.  Jared and I  won.   Jack and Eli had alot of fun playing outside.  It was cold out there.  We also had fun playing Pictionary on the dry erase board.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

What a fun Thanksgiving celebration with everyone. Such a great day and so much to be thankful to God for.