

Sunday, November 20, 2022



After picking the boys up from school I worked on taking care of the animals. I packed the ram and Han’s hay feeder and the took a bunch of hay out to the feeder in Bo’s lean-to. I spent a couple hours getting the animals all set with hay and water. I had so much hay in my hair when I was done.  Jared stopped at some stores on the way home so he got home just after I finished. We hurried to get things around because Eli wanted to go to Christian rollerskating night in Bay City. Vikki and the kids were going too. Jared was going to drop us off and then go back home because Jacob had a Clarinet lesson at 8:30 in Bay City. We were on our way there and Vikki called to say they weren’t going to open unless at least 15 people showed up. Vikki and the kids were the only ones there. We turned around and went home. I gave Wyatt and the kittys a bath and got things packed up for them staying at Vikki’s. Jared and Jacob left early for lessons and met Vikki in Bay city because she is watching wyatt and the kittens while we are gone. Vikki called me because Wyatt sounded like he was singing a sad song. He kept one paw on her while she drove too. He was happy once he got to Vikki’s and he saw Lucy. We’re going to miss our sweet pup.  Jacob has been accepted to Grand Valley State University. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Yay, Jacob is accepted at Grand Valley State too. So wonderful!. Big decisions after he finishes applying.