

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Papa showing the boys the new part he added to his motorcycle.

Adam was playing ping pong and Isaac's rollerblade met Adam's heel. Ouch!

Rollerblading fun

We got to Nana and Papa's house around 10:30.  Mom started making homemade mac-n-cheese for lunch.  It was so yummy!  Nana made pizza for the boys.  Later Vikki and the kids came over.  The kids brought their rollerblades and had fun using them in Nana's basement.  Eli brought his too.  Adam and Jacob played pingpong.  Vikki, Nana and I played some pingpong too.  We went to a nearby park so the kids could rollerblade there.  They had so much fun.  Adam had us laughing hard as he pretended to be rollerblading in his shoes.  Eli went home to spend the night with Aunt Bippi.  Jared had unloaded the kiln and made some glazes.  While he sieved the glazes I waxed pottery pieces.  The boys played minecraft.  We glazed the inside of all the mugs.  We watched a couple episodes of Heartland. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

The cut looks awful on Adam's foot. Ouch! I can't believe he was pretending he was roller blading on that foot. Ouch. Nice pictures and such a fun day other than when Adam got hurt.