

Friday, August 30, 2019


Jared took the day off work today to celebrate our 16 year anniversary!  We all slept in this morning.  We watched a Heartland and then took a walk in the woods.  Around noon we went outside and started the process of moving our sandbox.  We decided where we wanted to move it to and then started digging.  We dug the dirt out so the sand could be deep.  Then we moved the sand by shoveling it into the tractor's loader.  The sand is heavy and it took many loads.  We got done around 5pm.  Jared and I headed into town.  We stopped at meijer for a couple things and then picked out anniversary cards to give to each other.  We went to Pi's chinese to pick up dinner to go.  Then we stopped at Tim Horton's for a capuccino.  We drove past our old house on our way home.  This evening we watched War Room which was a great movie!  Then we watched a Heartland.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Sounds like you had fun on your anniversary! Happy Anniversary! What a huge job to move the sandbox. Lots of good helpers and hard workers. Like where you moved it.