

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


We got to the small animal barn around 8am. Showing for poultry starts at 9:00. Our 4H leader, Kari, said we probably wouldn’t need to be here until after lunch. We went home for about an hour before I got a text from Kari saying they were on the pee wee poultry showmanship. For sheep pee wee showmanship is last so we hurried back to the fair. Well for poultry pee wee is first. Nana, Papa and Max came for awhile and got to see the boys turkeys and sheep. They gave the boys some cool glow in the dark granite ball from Mt Rushmore. They also gave the boys money to spend at the fair. The boys were super excited about that!! The turkey showing started around 1:30 and got done around 2:30. The boys all got blue ribbons for A grade turkey's. We stopped to pick up pizza's for a late lunch. We watched Heartland while eating pizza. This evening we went back to the fair for barn duty. Also walked around the merchant buildings. The boys bought popcorn and pop. At home we watched another episode of Heartland.

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