

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving in GA

Jared here writing about turkey holiday.  We left on Wednesday afternoon as soon as Kimmy was home from her work.  The van was all set and ready to go so we just grabbed a few extra things and took off.  We drove till just after Knoxville TN and stayed the night in a super 8 motel.  Tired.  Driving was good nothing crazy other than a semi or two trying to cut us off.  The co-pilot gasped --  Just keep knitting Kimmy, I got this on lock down.  We woke up and had a quick breakfast in the motel and then were off, destination The Lego Store.  We made it to the lego store around 11am ish.  Boys filled the small pick a brick containers, ok Kimmy and I did a lot of work filling the containers.  You’ve got to really strategize on how you’re going to fill these things to get the max value. Then off to the Monastery.  We took the highway instead of back roads… whew there was a ton of traffic now.  But it moved so it wasn’t bad. just lots of cars … lots of cars.  We made it to the Monastery around 1-2 pm… can’t remember now. We were the last to arrive but not by much.   Hopped in the car with Adam, Mom, Uncle Dee, Uncle Rick and myself and off to the grocery store. We flexed Uncle Rick's plastic at the grocery store.  Thanks Uncle Rick!  Came back and got the apple pies going right away… gotta have pie.  So the days went by, fantastic weather, sunshine and 60 degrees.  We had a good time visiting with Uncle Rick, Uncle Dee, Mom and Dad.  Uncle Rick brought his treasures.  Lots of fun Stars items and bags ect.  Boys are always super excited to see what Uncle Rick brings.  Lots of light up bracelets that blink. Very cool.  Uncle Rick paid up his gambling debt.  Money flowed north again this year.  20!!!   ok so it's 0.20 cents but once again money flowed north.  We visited with various monks that came for pie.  Always such a nice time visiting. Saw Brother Philip and Brother Emelio in the bakery and tried the new chocolate cherry biscotti.  Very good!!  My favorite.    Quite a talented group of bakers.  Brother Peter Damion visited as well and even tried his hand at a little 3-13 card game.  He did quite well for a beginner even with Uncle Dee telling him the incorrect rules or maybe an unintelligent choice or two.  But we laughed and laughed, good we can all laugh at each other and ourselves.  “And where am I going to put this extra wild?””-Uncle Dee.    We played a lot of 3-13, Kimmy, Mom and I usually ended the day with a late 3-13 game.  Brother Elias came to talk about knee replacements as he is due for a couple.  Mom and Dad game him some good advice about knee replacement as they’re a couple of pro’s, Mom with 2 partials and Dad with one full knee replacement.  And the days continued, went for a walk, visited the store, collected more chestnut hulls for dyeing wool. we took a ride across the street to the green cemetery.  Hopped in a couple of golf carts and took off and drove out to the chapel.  Amazing hand built brick and wood chapel, no nails just wooden pegs for the wood section. Took a walk to see the burial sites.  Then back on the golf carts to head back.  I love driving golf carts, might of made Kimmy a bit nervous a time or two... weeeeeeee!!! A nice visit.   The boys trimmed the bushes making forts and bows and arrows to chase the geese with.  Eli wanted to eat one.  Adam and Eli washed all the outside windows.  Went for some walks, watch some Lucy and Rogue 1. We all had a wonderful time.  We left for home at 6am, and pulled in the driveway at about 7pm.  bushed.  Traffic was thick and at sometimes a bit crowded as the co-pilot gasped at times… Just keep reading Kimmy just keep reading, yup I got this on lock down.     


We're in TN!


Treasures from Uncle Rick 

And surprises from Judy!  Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Making cinnamon rolls with Grandma

Adam is helping Grandma make apple pie's

Uncle Dee is showing Jacob an app for learning languages.  

Adam made a bow and arrow

Riding to the green cemetery 




Grandma R said...

The pictures that include the lake are beautiful. Well...really all of them are really good. Memories. Yup...throwing apples on the floor will be one along with the wild card story.

Fantom of Richardson said...

Interesting how you leave on Wednesday afternoon, spend the night in Knoxville and arrive at the Monestary WE afternoon, is this “time travel” or MI madness?

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Great pictures. Looks like another fun trip with lots of memories. Thanks for sharing. Love you and happy you are back.

Uncle Dee said...

Oh, is this what happened?

I am so glad you take pictures and write it up afterwards so I can fill in the blank spaces. (Just joking -- the blank spaces tend to be the times when I was not there -- like for the distribution of stuff from Uncle Rick. I am just joking, right? Those are the only blank spaces, aren't they?)

I saw one picture of Uncle Rick in the kitchen near Jared and then realized it was me standing there. That is getting scary. I also saw that one picture of me playing cards showed a lack of hair where I thought I had some. Maybe it is not so good that you take these pictures! They get in the way of my private reality.

Oh, well. I always enjoy the adventures of your visits.