

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Daddy helping Eli with is Guinea pig homework

Got out of work around 1:30.  At home I did some spinning and worked on my mitten.  This mitten has taken twice as long as it should have with all the rows I've taken out.  I finished it this evening.  Hopefully then next one goes better.  When the boys got home I asked if they'd brought the recycling bin home with them.  Adam quickly offered to go back down and get it and Eli walked with him. Adam gave Eli a ride back inside the bin.  After Eli finished his math, spelling, and reading he had to do some research on guinea pigs.  He has write down 5 interesting facts about the.  He and his group will be talking about guinea pigs to the 4th graders.  Jacob told him he should just call Aunt Missy because she know a lot about guinea pigs.  Jacob and Adam got their report cards and have all A's and B's!   Jacob and I played 3-13 until dinner was ready.  After dinner the boys watched Popeye.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Too bad the guinea pig couldn't go to their school that day. Great grades the boy got. Proud of them. Grandpa loved watching Popeye and singing the songs. He was so cute.