

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Jacob was super excited to show Daddy this cool book on Elements.

Adam's trombone assistant, Eli. 

After work I went to Kohl’s to pick up some shoes we’d ordered for Eli.  I then went to Salvation army because all their clothes were on sale for $1.  I found some nice clothes there.  Stopped at meijer for a few groceries before heading home.  It was snowing when I came out of meijer. The boys said the kids on the bus went crazy when it started snowing.  Jared got home just after 4:00 and we went to the school for parent/teacher conferences with Mr Blades (Eli’s teacher).  Eli  wanted to come with us and the older boys stayed home.  The conferences went good.  Eli needs to work on reading and is very good at math.  He is well behaved in class.  After dinner I did some laundry and packed away some clothes that don’t fit the boys.  Jacob brought home a book on the elements which he was super excited about.  He decided he wanted to used his money and we ordered this book for him.  Daddy and Adam played a game of stratego.   

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Seeing your pictures and the great home life you and Jared have made for the boys makes me so happy. Very proud of you!