

Friday, June 17, 2022


 It was such a nice cool day today.  The fire from yesterday was still warm so I added sticks and started another fire.  Mom met Jared at Tim Hortons so her kitty could come to our house.  Jared took down a dead maple tree.  It was hard to cut down because it was in the middle of a bunch.  We had to put a rope on it an pull it.  Adam mowed the lawn.  Jacob and Eli helped us clean up the tree.  Jared went to tsc to pick up a tow behind sprayer.  He sprayed the thistles in the paddock.  We left around 2:30 and headed to my parents house for Hailey's graduation party.  We helped Melissa get last minute things ready.  The party started at 4:00 and we got done just before that.  Everything was so nice and we had a great time.  It was  really nice to see Tim and Cathy and we visited for a long time.  They are great friends and were our neighbors growing up.  As kids we spent alot of time at their house.  Their daughter Brittany was in our wedding.  After most people left we sat by the fire and made s'mores.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Wish Eli came with the wheelbarrow! Sure was a fun graduation party for Hailey. You were a great help.