

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Wyatt begging for a bite of Eli's bagel.  He got a little piece.

He's happy to see Jacob. 

and he loves his belly rubs

 I trimmed mugs and added handles.  Jacob had a lot of homework again this evening.  He also needed to record himself playing his clarinet for the chair test.  Adam's soccer practice was canceled because Pastor Scott's son had a basketball game tonight.  Adam and a few of his friends still met at the soccer field.  They had fun kicking around the ball.  We drove around for awhile before picking him up.  We played some bedwars with Adam and Eli before bed.   Jacob couldn't get his chair test videos to download (slow wifi) so Jared drove him to town to download it.  

1 comment:

Lela Russell said...

It beautiful sunrise morning and is that Eli's head away above all the other kids. He's a tall one for sure. Love the update. You are one busy family all the time. LR