

Thursday, November 18, 2021


We unloaded the kiln this morning.  Today I worked on smoothing the bottoms of the new pots.  This afternoon I glazed pots.  Adam still was complaining that he felt horrible this morning so he stayed home and did school online.  Our new neighbor came over today to introduce himself.  His family just moved into Nik's old house. They have a son in Eli's grade and a 1 year old daughter.  They have a few horses and are planning to clear their woods and make it into paddock for the horses. Their son Braydon came over after school.  He and Eli walked around outside for awhile.  Jared glazed pots this evening.  Mom brought over a covid rapid test and Adam tested negative for covid.   

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So thankful Adam tested negative. Sure was exciting getting that test done with the swab being missing. The Lord provides! So thankful for that.