

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Small buck in the woods. 

Eli's last game of the season.

I worked on catching up on my blog this morning.  Then I threw mugs on the wheel.  After school Jacob worked on his homework.  He had to miss soccer practice again this evening because he had too much homework.  Eli had his last soccer game of the season this evening at 5:30.  No referees showed up for this game so the coaches refereed the game.  Our old neighbor Ed and his wife were there so it was nice talking to them.  The boys have many memories of Ed playing with them when they went to Nik's house. Ed never minded them running around his yard and would pretend to shoot back at them when they were playing with their pretend guns.  The boys still talk about him.  He may stop over for a visit some time. His grandson was on Eli's team but because their family got covid he only was able to play in the first game and this last game of the season.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

The sky is so beautiful in your picture. Nice little buck in the woods. Dad has buck fever now lol. Nice soccer pictures. Happy you posted!