

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Trying the new archery target

It was another beautiful day.  I trimmed mugs and added handles.  I had a yummy salad for lunch.  Vikki called and I talked to her and Mom.  I was on the phone while they hung curtains in the upstairs room. I made an archery target out of grain bags.  It was just a big grain bag  tightly stuffed with a bunch of grain bags. Then I sewed it up with twine.  The boys tried it and it works great.  The arrows don’t go all the way threw and they pull out so easy.   Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  The score was -62 to 64.  Eli loves catching fish in the pond with the net.  He also caught frogs and tadpoles.  I got to video chat with Kenzie and she showed us their set up for glass blowing.  It looks so nice.  We played a game of soccer with the boys.  Then Adam and Eli went up to the sandhill to dig in the sand.  Jacob kicked the soccer ball with Daddy.  We stayed outside until it was dark.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Nice target Kimmy! Eli sure can catch those fish! Looks like they had fun shooting at the target you made!