

Monday, March 1, 2021


Playing minecraft with Peyton and Isaac on their server.

Kenzie and Travis's chicks and ducklings

 I stopped at the Dollar store after taking the boys to school.  At home I wrapped Eli's birthday presents and did some cleaning.  This afternoon I made a cake.  After school I took Eli to town to get a haircut but the barber was closed.  At home I gave Eli and Jared a haircut.  Eli helped me decorate his birthday cake.  He wanted a Crainer cake.  Crainer is a YouTuber who plays minecraft and has purple hair.  Eli drew with a toothpick on the cake and helped me color the frosting.  Kenzie and Travis called to tells us they got some chicks and ducklings.  They're so cute!!  They are also going to build an incubator and hatch goose eggs!!  Kenzie told Eli he gets to name one of their chicks.  Eli is excited about his birthday tomorrow but he says he really likes being 10. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Happy Birthday to Eli! He was pretty funny this morning with the donut in his mouth. I wondered why he was being quiet at first. Sure love that kiddo! Nice Kenzie and Travis are letting Eli name one of the chicks. Kenzie must be taking after someone I know. I like Eli being 10 too, but they do continue to get older...and in your family, taller. Have a fun Birthday Celebration Day! Give Eli Birthday hugs from Nana!