

Friday, March 12, 2021


This morning I went to Petsmart to get a clipper blade but when I went to grab my backpack (purse) I couldn't find it.  I search the van and tried to think where it might be.  I didn't have my wallet so I ordered the blade with my phone for store pick up.  I called the high school because I thought maybe my backpack was turned into lost and found after the concert on Tue.  The secretary said nothing was turned it but she was going to check with the custodian and have him check the auditorium.  At home I shaved Wyatt using the new blade which worked great.  It cuts so much better than using the clipper guards and only took about an hour and a half.  It usually takes over 4hrs.  I also clipped his nails and gave him a bath.  The secretary called and said they found my backpack.  She said she would send it home with Jacob.  Jacob drove us home from school.  It was another windy day.  Eli came out with me to feed the sheep.  He loves catching the lambs.  We took a walk in the woods.  A buck has rubbed its antlers on one of our maple trees.  We found a little goldfish that died.  It was in the shallow standing water out of the pond.   At bedtime Jacob, Adam and I had a bible drill.  Daddy called off scripture verses for us to look up and we raced to see who could find them first. Whoever started reading first won.  I loved playing this game in high school. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

That is some amazing pottery on the shelf. I love the tumblers, bowls and just everything. Can't wait to see what it looks like finished.