

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Showing Daddy slides for his presentation

I wiped the bottom of all the glazed pottery and loaded the trays so they are ready to take out to the kiln when Jared gets home.  On the wheel today I threw mugs, dinner plates, and a pie plate.  Jacob had drivers training after school.  He drove on the expressway and said it was really busy.  He got an A on his final drivers training test.  I painted kiln wash on the kiln shelves.  We loaded the kiln when Jared got home from work.  Jared and I glazed pottery this evening. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love the pictures of Jacob and Adam. They look the same height in it. Love their smiles and that they are so close. I love the cute picture of Eli in his special spot too. I had to save the picture of Jared and the pottery so I could lighten it up so I could see his mug and the beautiful pottery next to him. I love those tumblers and of course all of your stuff. I was looking for heart shaped containers, but didn't see any. Great that Jacob got an A on his final test. No fun to drive on the expressway when it is really busy. Yikes. Bet he did great though.