

Monday, February 22, 2021


We woke up early to a phone call saying school was closed. The boys were happy this morning and got up to watch tv.  Jared said the roads were plowed so they weren't to bad.  The boys came out and helped me take care of the sheep. We let Daisy and her lambs out and cleaned her stall. Then we took a walk in the woods. Jacob and Adam made paths in the deep snow. The kitty's followed us. Inside I made bacon, eggs hasbrowns and toast for Jacob and Eli. Adam Jacob and I played 3-13 and Jacob won. Jacob and I were 1 point apart in the King round. Adam had a high score. The boys played Mario on the Wii. I glazed the inside of the pottery. Then Eli and I raced on Mario Kart.  Jacob Adam and I played another game of 3-13 and I won.  Adam was the high score again.  The boys played minecraft until dinner was ready.  For dinner we had yummy homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade rolls.  I made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  


Lela F Russell said...

Three of my five handsome grandsons. I barely know you since you've gotten so big. Where have the years gone. Humm...I just need to remember my age to answer that one. I'm blessed to have lived so long to see you so big. Love you 5 huge bunches.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Sounds like lots of yummy food at your house. Those boys sure love their cats. Me too! I didn't find out about school being closed until after I went to my 9:10 appt. at Sec. of State's office. I probably wouldn't have ventured out if I thought the roads were bad. Ours was the only bad one I had to drive on. The main roads were clear. Hailey didn't have school either, but the township did. She was as happy as the boys!