

Friday, February 12, 2021


 I stopped at the post office after taking the boys to school.  This morning I wrapped Jared's birthday presents and put together some valentine surprises for the boys and Jared.  I made some small mugs on the wheel today.  Jacob had testing to see if he qualifies for duel enrollment at Delta college in the fall.  He passed them all and is eligible.  He was super happy and we're so proud of him.  He wasn't able to study because his computer wasn't working.  He scored the highest in writing.  We picked the boys up a little early today because Jacob had a Dr appointment at 3:30.  Adam and Eli stayed with Nana and Papa.  Last night Jacob showed me a large bump under his armpit that's painful.  The Dr says it's cyst that's inflamed. and she prescribed antibiotics and warm compress.  She didn't think it was lymph nodes and said its not anything to worry about.  We stopped at McDonalds for shakes/frappe on the way back to Nana and Papa's.  We had a nice visit with Nana and Papa.  Stopped at the pharmacy on the way home.  The boys played minecraft and Jared and I played 3-13.  I won.  Adam and I played monopoly.  I sure don't know how he can miss my property so often. 

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